About Us

SOUTH HAMPSHIRE HUMANISTS attracts people across and beyond the region indicated below, including Salisbury in Wiltshire and Bournemouth in Dorset, though the latter has its own humanist organisations as well.

South Hampshire Humanists formed in 1993 for those in the region who choose to live without religion.

We hold regular meetings, informal discussion groups and social gatherings. See EVENTS for the range of activities. Click on NEWSLETTER for our most recent issue which includes a calendar of the year’s activities.

Annual subscriptions are £12.50 per person, but we’re very happy for people to try us out a couple of times before deciding whether to join; refreshments are available at our main meetings.  A charity is chosen by the speaker at each main meeting and donations are invited.

We can advise on non-religious baby namings/welcomings, weddings and funerals. See CEREMONIES for information about the nature of a humanist ceremony, and CELEBRANTS for details of celebrants in the region.

We also promote an awareness and knowledge of Humanism in the area, for example humanist representatives sit on the three Standing Advisory Councils for Religious Education (SACREs) for Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton, and we normally contribute to the Remembrance Sunday event in Southampton.

We support and contribute to local and national charities that aim to improve the condition of humanity, as well as being concerned about the negative impact of human activity on the planet and other forms of life.

If all this sounds over-serious, we think the range of our activities provides fun and enjoyment for like-minded people.

As well as being a partner group of Humanists UK we are affiliated to the National Secular Society.

If you are sceptical about religious beliefs and looking for an alternative worldview you may find that Humanism has appeal and that our activities are of interest.

See HUMANISM for a brief summary of humanist beliefs.